Monday, August 24, 2009

August Rush

this month sems to be going by so fast
which works for me and my countdown
81 days till i go back to "my 2nd home"

and i'm bringing people to come and join the fun
let's see if the legend stands true,
that once one has a taste of the waters of Sabah
that they'll keep coming back for more

Thursday, August 06, 2009

at day's end

there's that wish
that each time I turn the knob
someone is waiting
with hugs and kisses
that brushes the day's pain away

that you would be there
cause today i came home
missing you terribly

Saturday, August 01, 2009

sense in this madness

there is still a big question mark above all this
i don't know where things will take us
but i do know i am enjoying the new you
be safe and well is my daily prayer for you

hopefully there will be sense in our madness


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