Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i wish...

i would be a happier dream catching wanderer
if i get the kuala lumpur
and kota kinabalu
version of this tumbler!!

can anyone di KL or KK let me know
kalau ini available pun
dekat local starbucks?
terima kasih.

Behind the Merrymaking

the essence of why i began this journal in 2002 was ME
to write about what i learned, what i felt, about what i wanted to do.
i am laps behind the seasoned writing runners
but like them i will aim to run the race to the finish
realizing the value of my own pace
i blog not to please others, but to unload.

i am reconnecting with my goal.

today when everyone was merry about christmas
i was questioning my capability to be a friend
was i selfish? inconsiderate? untrue?

and of all the people
that would make me feel this way
it had to be you...

you had to be the one to break the dam
the emotions I prayed would just evaporate in time
came crashing down to flood my suppressed and exhausted mind

you could have at least had the heart to understand
or at the very least...asked
for old times sake perhaps

thankfully i had my own rescue team
and now i just wait for the waters to subside
eyes sore and body tired...i feel numb...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hello Nathan!

i am now officially an auntie!

my brother's wife gave birth last Decemeber 8, to a healthy baby boy and named him Mark Nathan. congratulations to my brother and tonette. i know i owe you guys bigtime!

first baby in our family after my youngest brother so i guess this kid will be spoiled in a way. i also bracing myself for the when-are-you-having-your-own-remarks. argh!

bah! soon lah! but not very soon!
still need to make sure the eyes
are either gray, blue or green
golden brwon would be my choice though

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Langga!

the sungai pirate "jack"
turns a year older today
continue spreading the magic
always paddle hard

It's a Girl!!

welcome to the world dear nerissa!
auntie mhay is excited to meet you.

i was so happy when i got a message from nawruz yesterday about the newest addition to the family! my sun phone has been out for a while. i havent been charging because i kinda lost the charger in kuala lumpur during one of my visits. back to story...we have a baby girl!

congratulations to my adopted brother nawruz and my sis-in-law cathy! what a perfect christmas gift a baby is!

i want to meet her!
bro, you have to send me photos please!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Love Affair with Sabah

I am a Filipino by birth but a Sabahan by heart.

This relationship was started back in January of 2007 when a friend invited me to join a team that visited Kota Kinabalu, the capital city of Sabah.

Yes, it was love at first sight. but it didnt end at just seeing. I had to experience more, and in each visit peel away layer upon layer to uncover more of it's rich personality.

"He" is exquisite. With green treetops like curls on his head, clear watered beaches reflecting the blue in his eyes and the winding contours of it's river form his lips. The character of his face traced by the lines of the famous mountain and his bronzed skin reflecting the colors of the tribes that call him home. And in his soul, a culture that embraces unity in diversity with a heart for the simplicity of life. I have been enchanted by this land. And I want you to get to know my second home too...

I have written quite a few stories of my journeys and adventures. Tales of my love affair with Sabah. My way to share the giggles and escapades of a land not everyone knows about. May I encourage you to take the plunge as well, dive in and be mesmerized. Take a journey to a place they call Land Below the Wind.

And then maybe you too will fall in love...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Will Write

ive been reading nyx's blog
and ive been inspired
to write..

that is to write more often.


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