Thursday, September 10, 2009


despite the friends and their reassurrances
the family and their consitency
work and career to get busy with
why do we still feel alone?

at the end of the day
we wish there was someone
to rant to then cuddle
to cook for
share stories with
laugh and cry
or just be silly with
add in some snaps for documentation

sadly, what i thought was a simple part of life
has ended up to be wait...a very very long wait
for countless wandering wanderers

which makes me ask,
is there a shortage of the opposite sex?
do we go and search for love or wait for it to find us?
how do we distinguish a stupid risk from a risk that we need to do?
why does it seem so complicated, or was it us that made these complications?
im tired of asking, waiting and second guessing!!

can someone just tell

Thursday, September 03, 2009

excuse me you're blocking my goal

I learned how to ride the bike
by looking straight into the distance
keeping my eye on a focal point --
the destination.

i had been walking a thin line
the past few months,
and what kept me balanced
was that I had my eyes on something.

today some situations
blocked my view of the destination
and I felt the cold panic
of falling to the ground.

step away from my goal please
your casting a shadow on it
and it's making it look dark
and it's not how it should be.

i need to be bright and inspiring
especially during these times,
so I can work at full capacity
despite all the odds!


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