she feels the chaos break open the gates
spreading numbness inch by inch,
drowning that which enables coherence of thought
its toxic aura making its way to core of her being
strength seems to have leaked out
with it, the draining of will and passion
she kneels and pray
guard my heart oh Great Spirit, she cries
sheild it from the poison of conformity
or the lies of defeat
let it not break with the pressure
instead let it pound loudly
to beat of my dream's drum
and remind me of the power in believing, she appeals
let her fathom the wisdom of knowing
that despite the failure of all her senses
she can trust in one thing that remains pure
the essence of all that she is
sans the dictations of the world
from this, she can gather her desire to continue her journey
hear her song Great Spirit
in this twilight of her existence
let her reach out and hold on to faith
that this too shall pass