Monday, January 05, 2004

There have been a lot of moments to celebrate as well as to learn from in 2003. I feel a sense of pride in having achieved these in my life. But with the sensation of happiness I also feel that is more to my life than just that, a yearning to seek out further. Don’t get me wrong I have never been tough on myself. Not a perfectionist even. It’s just my hunger for life. Yes, I am a free spirit, a wanderer as some say. Always wanting something different, always wanting to be someplace else, it seems to some people that I do this because I do not know what I want in my life. Aimless and fluttering without direction. But the truth of it is because I do aim for something, I seek for a place to fly to. That is to enjoy life as it comes, and to share that sense of being alive to people who seek and have that same hunger for living. It is not that I have no perception for contentment, but instead it is not to stop in merely attaining material things, a successful career, a wonderful family or in popularity. It is in being fulfilled. Of being able to say I tried and I have done my best in whatever it is I have put my heart to do.

So now I see the New Year as another opportunity to do what I do best, survive and live life with the enthusiasm of a child. A fresh page to lay my pen and fill it with more tales of triumph over the negativity that prevails in the world. To be able to at least touch a soul whose wick may have been dampened by the circumstances in their lives and in turn be inspired by their renewed spirit.

Next adventure please!

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