I have said once that the best coping mechanism for life’s downs are friends. They shower you with love and affection, unconditionally. In times of disappointments and frustrations they keep you positive. They fill in the gaps, they soothe the pain and balm the wounds. What then happens when there comes a point in your life that the situations bring you to question these people in your life? Is the changing world also changing the way people treat other people? Is the value of friendship diminishing?
When I watch the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I told myself this was how I used to view friendship. It was a bond between people that neither distance nor physical absence can break. They found ways to bridge gaps. They took time to communicate. They acknowledge each one’s person differences and despite the diverse personalities made a commitment to stay by each other through life. What then can change that vow through time? Can we call that promise petty since it was made by girls that lacked the experience of life? Or could be the purest form of commitment since it was cast in a heart that was still pure?
Why can friends place a bet on their friend? Why can someone you considered a mentor create chaos that would lead teams to go against themselves? How can someone not see the value of a person that offered their hand when they needed to be pulled out of the mess they themselves made? What happened to us? Why did we do to make trusting each other more difficult?
We can ask more questions. Some maybe answered and other remain a mystery. But what we sometimes forget is that we do have a choice. Everyone would have his or her own share of faults. But it doesn’t make us failures. It makes us human. What is important is how we can turn that hurt into something that can make us better and not more afraid. Disappointments should not paralyze our capability to believe in the good in people. Creating an environment of fear makes use too careful that we miss out on life. Is this what we want?
Trust. Love. Live.
Make friends and be a friend.
We only have one life.
As for me...i get up…I walk…I fall down…meanwhile, I keep on dancing.