Saturday, February 28, 2009

things have been changing...rather changed!

old trees are being uprooted
and new ones may be planted soon
so many changes in my backyard
i am afraid i may not recognize it
when I go home

it's his last day in the company today
after today, there will other events
that will change what i called home.

part of me accepts, and part is sad
sad because changes bring a phase of unknown.
you are part of the picture when i speak of "home"
and by tomorrow
i have to get used to some people not being where they usually are
that by the time I do get there some guys may be on a different raft.

i hold on to the assurance that despite the movement
that it's not about the company, but rather the relationship
that the friendship is what's important.

we may move on to other places, jobs or get married
but that does not change that we are friends.

n said that we will not know
what will happen tomorrow or a week from now
what's been happening the past couple of weeks
is giving the statement its truth.

jangan kamu lupa! we will keep in touch!

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