when a person tells you to grow up what does it mean exactly?
does growing up mean perfection?
all our lives we have been told by our parents to grow up. and still we feel that we fall short of what they expect. could it be that "growing up" is defined by the perception of a person. and so it would vary based on what a person feel is grown-up? do we equate growing up with maturity? but then what is maturity? a state in which you have reached what? it can be a play of words. but who really defines these these concepts, isn't it people? and as humans aren't they subject to the experiences that have gone through? so depending on that they base their "meanings." meanings that are different per person, per soul. thought processes once again...
.: a friend's poem :.
The sunrise breaks over the sea
While they gather around me
Tears uncontrollably fall
Caused by dreams from the night before
A dream that left
An overwhelming feeling
Of loneliness and despair
Recurring even though
I've already woken up crying
So many times before
And then I look around me
At the people beside me
At the artist whose dreams
Magically shows up on paper
Whose friendship kept my course steady and true
At the hopeless romantic
Whose heart is the same as mine
Who never gave up on me
At the guy who was cool but rude
Who never left my side
and held me up everytime I fell
At the practical guy who was taught
Real love by the Woman and the Boy beside him
Who in turn showed me real friendship
At the little girl who always had a smile
Who always stood beside us
And never doubted what we could do
At the woman who catches dreams so effortlessly
Who was never afraid to say what I had to hear
At the woman I loved sitting at the far end
Whose mere presence I hold dear
Who I will never forget and always love
Even if the Gods pull us apart
I look at their faces
As they look at the sunrise
Each of them an angel
I realize
Though darkness may fall
The sun will always rise
And just as surely
My friends will always be there
Beside me
Thank you
You know who you are