Sunday, March 14, 2004

i have always said that the constant thing about life are RISKS...
and i know that I am willing to dive in or tackle it on, but sometimes when it stares you in the face your left frozen stiff.

so here i am in limbo...i just accepted the fact that i get attracted to the wrong "men" and now I am tredding the waters of much mature man. i know that i shouldn't even be bothering about this right now but then I just want to be able to unleash the emotions that is boiling inside of me.

i know its mere longing. but i am affected by the lack of "it" in my life. i always comfort myself by saying i should be patient. but haven't I been? i have had enough of learning from the men that come and go. i want one that i can keep for a much longer time. you can't help but sometimes ask, IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME?

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